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$10 or Pay what you can

Venmo: Lauren-Slivosky

Class Archives

Suggested Donation: $5-$10 per class

Venmo: @Lauren-Slivosky

We have made it over the threshold in which the days will now be longer than the nights. Welcoming the light on this Spring Equinox with a beginners mind like the child of Aires Season. Take this practice with curiosity and open mindedness for your body and spirit. May we share this open curiosity throughout our lives!

We feel into the expression of this time of year! The light is growing and will soon be greater than the darkness in the northern hemisphere. The practice lets us tap into the spirals and unravels in our body through a unexpected flow and some powerful asanas!

Movement and Yoga Asanas to help us build a connecting from the center out through our limbs. This class is great for opening up the legs and shoulders and tapping into the natural ebbs and flows of our being!

The first week of February marks the beginning of spring! However, we all know there is still frost or harsh winter weather to come and therefore this is a time of PATIENCE. In practice we work on foundation- FEET! And take a slow approach to some wonderful balance poses to steady ourselves for the weeks ahead as the ground gradually thaws.